Review from a user rating your app 5/5 stars. We really liked the app
COOL APP, My child really likes to use it and is learning
Review from a user rating your app 5/5 stars. We really liked the app
COOL APP, My child really likes to use it and is learning
Review from a user rating your app 5/5 stars. We really liked the app
COOL APP, My child really likes to use it and is learning
Math Series
Math Series is designed keeping a preschoolersi/kindergarten kids in mind. It is very ideal for kids between the ages 3 to 8. It is an excellent application for kids to have fun with numbers and math. Math Series is very ideal for parents since it engages kids while driving, in the airport or while waiting in the restaurants.
This application is loaded with lot of fun features: - Very simple design. Kids need to just select the missing number in the series.
- Parents can customize this application to their kids level of expertise. The default setup is to start the kids with simple number series (1's) and after 25 problems (first award), it will advance to next series and so on. If you choose random the series will be randomly selected. Additional options to setup the maximum start number and ascending or descending options are also provided.
- This is a great application for kids to learn their multiplication skills too
- Every time they pick the answers they get appreciated with surprise appreciation (real voice)
- Once they identify the correct answers, shaking the iphone will take them to the next problem.
- After every 5 successive correct answers different colored stars appear as their rewards. Kids love this.
- You can select 2 different vibrant color schemes for the kids
Like our previous games "math magic" and "word magic", this has also been kids tested and approved :) Considering the nature of this application preferences could changed based on your child's level.
1) Maximum Number could be set to 20 or 50 or 100.
2) Problem Type determines if the number series should be in sequences (1's 2's and 3's and so on ) or in random order.
3) Maximum Series determines the maximum number that could be chosen between the numbers. (This option is valid only if the problem type is random).
4) Series Type specifies if the number series should be in the ascending or descending order or both.
5) Positive enforcement.
6) Surprises and rewards
In the sequential order, after every award (after reaching 5 stars i.e after solving 25 problems), the series will be automatically incremented.
Upcoming Features:
1. More Levels
2. Different color schemes.
3. Rewards schemes